Optimization Settings


An object of type algo_settings_t can be used to control the behavior of the optimization routines. Each algorithm page details the relevant parameters for that methods, but we list the full settings here for completeness.

struct algo_settings_t
    // RNG seeding

    size_t rng_seed_value = std::random_device{}();

    // print and convergence options

    int print_level = 0;
    int conv_failure_switch = 0;

    // error tolerance and maxiumum iterations

    size_t iter_max = 2000;

    fp_t grad_err_tol  = 1E-08;
    fp_t rel_sol_change_tol  = 1E-14;
    fp_t rel_objfn_change_tol = 1E-08;

    // bounds

    bool vals_bound = false;

    ColVec_t lower_bounds;
    ColVec_t upper_bounds;

    // values returned upon successful completion

    fp_t opt_fn_value;      // will be returned by the optimization algorithm
    ColVec_t opt_root_fn_values; // will be returned by the root-finding method

    size_t opt_iter;
    fp_t opt_error_value;

    // algorithm-specific parameters

    // BFGS
    bfgs_settings_t bfgs_settings;

    // CG
    cg_settings_t cg_settings;

    // DE
    de_settings_t de_settings;

    // GD
    gd_settings_t gd_settings;

    // L-BFGS
    lbfgs_settings_t lbfgs_settings;

    // Nelder-Mead
    nm_settings_t nm_settings;

    // PSO
    pso_settings_t pso_settings;

    // SUMT
    sumt_settings_t sumt_settings;

    // Broyden
    broyden_settings_t broyden_settings;


  • rng_seed_value seed value used for random number generators.

  • print_level sets the level of detail for printing updates on optimization algorithm progress.

  • conv_failure_switch policy regarding what to return when an error is encountered.

  • iter_max maximum number of iterations.

  • grad_err_tol tolerance value controlling gradient-based convergence.

  • rel_sol_change_tol tolerance value controlling convergence based on the relative change in optimal input values.

  • rel_objfn_change_tol tolerance value controlling convergence based on the relative change in objective function.

  • vals_bound whether the search space of the algorithm is bounded.

  • lower_bounds defines the lower bounds of the search space.

  • upper_bounds defines the upper bounds of the search space.

  • opt_fn_value value of the objection function when evaluated at the optimal input values.

  • opt_root_fn_values values of the root functions when evaluated at the optimal input values.

  • opt_iter number of iterations before convergence was declared

  • opt_error_value error value at the optimum input values

Algorithm-specific data structures are listed in the next section.

By Algorithm


struct bfgs_settings_t
    fp_t wolfe_cons_1 = 1E-03; // line search tuning parameter
    fp_t wolfe_cons_2 = 0.90;  // line search tuning parameter

Conjugate Gradient

struct cg_settings_t
    bool use_rel_sol_change_crit = false;
    int method = 2;
    fp_t restart_threshold = 0.1;

    fp_t wolfe_cons_1 = 1E-03; // line search tuning parameter
    fp_t wolfe_cons_2 = 0.10;  // line search tuning parameter

Gradient Descent

struct gd_settings_t
    int method = 0;

    // step size, or 'the learning rate'
    fp_t par_step_size = 0.1;

    // decay
    bool step_decay = false;

    uint_t step_decay_periods = 10;
    fp_t step_decay_val = 0.5;

    // momentum parameter
    fp_t par_momentum = 0.9;

    // Ada parameters
    fp_t par_ada_norm_term = 1.0e-08;

    fp_t par_ada_rho = 0.9;

    bool ada_max = false;

    // Adam parameters
    fp_t par_adam_beta_1 = 0.9;
    fp_t par_adam_beta_2 = 0.999;

    // gradient clipping settings
    bool clip_grad = false;

    bool clip_max_norm = false;
    bool clip_min_norm = false;
    int clip_norm_type = 2;
    fp_t clip_norm_bound = 5.0;


struct lbfgs_settings_t
    size_t par_M = 10;

    fp_t wolfe_cons_1 = 1E-03; // line search tuning parameter
    fp_t wolfe_cons_2 = 0.90;  // line search tuning parameter


struct nm_settings_t
    bool adaptive_pars = true;

    fp_t par_alpha = 1.0; // reflection parameter
    fp_t par_beta  = 0.5; // contraction parameter
    fp_t par_gamma = 2.0; // expansion parameter
    fp_t par_delta = 0.5; // shrinkage parameter

    bool custom_initial_simplex = false;
    Mat_t initial_simplex_points;

Differential Evolution

struct de_settings_t
    size_t n_pop = 200;
    size_t n_pop_best = 6;
    size_t n_gen = 1000;

    int omp_n_threads = -1; // numbers of threads to use

    int mutation_method = 1; // 1 = rand; 2 = best

    size_t check_freq = (size_t)-1;

    fp_t par_F = 0.8;
    fp_t par_CR = 0.9;

    // DE-PRMM specific

    int pmax = 4;
    size_t max_fn_eval = 100000;

    fp_t par_F_l = 0.1;
    fp_t par_F_u = 1.0;

    fp_t par_tau_F  = 0.1;
    fp_t par_tau_CR = 0.1;

    fp_t par_d_eps = 0.5;

    // initial vals

    ColVec_t initial_lb; // this will default to -0.5
    ColVec_t initial_ub; // this will default to  0.5


    bool return_population_mat = false;
    Mat_t population_mat; // n_pop x n_vals

Particle Swarm Optimization

struct pso_settings_t
    bool center_particle = true;

    size_t n_pop = 100;
    size_t n_gen = 1000;

    int omp_n_threads = -1; // numbers of threads to use

    int inertia_method = 1; // 1 for linear decreasing between w_min and w_max; 2 for dampening

    size_t check_freq = (size_t)-1;

    fp_t par_initial_w = 1.0;
    fp_t par_w_damp = 0.99;

    fp_t par_w_min = 0.10;
    fp_t par_w_max = 0.99;

    int velocity_method = 1; // 1 for fixed; 2 for linear

    fp_t par_c_cog = 2.0;
    fp_t par_c_soc = 2.0;

    fp_t par_initial_c_cog = 2.5;
    fp_t par_final_c_cog   = 0.5;
    fp_t par_initial_c_soc = 0.5;
    fp_t par_final_c_soc   = 2.5;

    ColVec_t initial_lb; // this will default to -0.5
    ColVec_t initial_ub; // this will default to  0.5


    bool return_position_mat = false;
    Mat_t position_mat; // n_pop x n_vals


struct sumt_settings_t
    fp_t par_eta = 10.0;


struct broyden_settings_t
    fp_t par_rho = 0.9;
    fp_t par_sigma_1 = 0.001;
    fp_t par_sigma_2 = 0.001;